URGENT ACTION ALERT: “Diversity & Inclusion” Advisory Group

On Monday (6/7/21), the Board of Commissioners of Garrett County held a public meeting that included the request for the County to create a “Diversity & Inclusion” advisory group.

Meeting Link: Linktree in About Section (discussion starts @ 19:00)

The Commissioners are seeking thoughts and recommendations over the next TWO WEEKS from community members regarding the formation of this advisory group.


We are encouraging like-minded GC residents to submit comments in SUPPORT of the committee.

Even if you’re currently not living in GC (but have spent or do spend time here), we urge you to voice your opinion. Be heard!

Your email can be short. Even a sentence.

Please send your comment to gccomments@garrettcounty.org. Include in your subject line: “IN SUPPORT OF DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION COMMITTEE.” This will help to quickly identify your support for the advisory group.

Here are topics for inspiration:

  • All community members deserve to feel safe in Garrett County
  • All community members (particularly BIPOC community members) deserve to have their voices heard and concerns addressed
  • Concerns with regards to events that happened over the past year (including the KKK intimidation incident on Deep Creek Lake and hanging effigy near Grantsville)
  • The effects on tourism and local economy due to the lack of addressing issues of diversity, equity & inclusion (and how that affects people of color who visit)
  • Being perceived as a racist, intolerant, and unfriendly county, which greatly inhibits our ability to grow as a community
  • Affordable housing, education, transportation, the minimum wage – these are all diversity, equity & inclusion issues that this advisory group could address

Thank you in advance for your action! We’ll keep you updated.

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