
International Women’s Day 2023

On March 8th and beyond, let’s all fully #EmbraceEquity. Equity isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. A focus on gender equity needs to be

Women’s History Month 2023

March is #WomensHistoryMonth! From #ShirleyChisholm to #AngelaDavis to #ViolaDavis, GCNAACP celebrates the 2023 official theme of “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” This year honors

Founders’ Day 2023

Today marks our 114th #FoundersDay. That’s 114 years of advocating to help Black America #thrive. Are you ready to join us on this mission?

Black History Month Proclamation

Shout out to Eugene Frazier and Karen White for his presentation of three poems and her presentation on new work on Black history at the

Black History Month Proclamation

Yesterday was truly an honor for Fred Chavez (Washington County NAACP President) to be presented the Black History Month Proclamation from the City of Hagerstown

2023 Black History Month Presentation

Black History Month Presentation! Join us Feb. 8 @ 6pm (Garrett County Historical Society Museum of Transportation, 2nd floor). There will also be refreshments: water,

2023 Voice of Freedom Awards & Gala

Allegany County NAACP Branch 7007 would like to invite you to attend the 2023 Voice of Freedom Awards and Black History Month Gala. Join us

Holocaust Remembrance Day

#HolocaustRemembranceDay Never forget. Never again. In the early 1900s, Blacks and Jews united to form what would become the nation’s largest grassroots civil rights association,

January Presenter: Dr. Dana Cunningham

Thursday (1/26) 7pm on Zoom: GCNAACP is excited to host Dr. Dana Cunningham! As Vice President of Community Outreach & Engagement for Black Mental Wellness,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Here are some ways to celebrate: • Read King’s works• Educate yourself and talk to others (including problematic family members and friends)• Donate or volunteer: